Cikkszám | 106040 |
EAN kód | 5999548691243 |
VTSZ | 44190090 |
Db / karton | 50 |
Db / raklap | 5000 |
Sor / raklap | 10 |
Karton / sor | 10 |
Karton / raklap | 100 |
[download id="246"]
Elementor #3096
- Primarely oral hygene product for cleaning intertooth space after meals. Product advantages and characteristics :
- Exclusive and hygienic storage due to individual packaging.
- Most economic refill by 200 and 500 pcs packs
- Material: 1st class birch wood
- 1,5-1,8 mm diameter cylinder shaped product
- Light brown or cream colour natural wood look
- Tender to gums smooth surface
- Pointed at both ends
- Teeth come in contact with uncoated natural soft wood which safeguards gums and teeth
- Maybe used at both ends
- For application in restaurants , homes, during picnics and holidays
- Ideal tool when preparing bites or “finger-food”
- Can be useful for pressing gently recessed instrument buttons
- Disposable environment friendly product
- Sold in practical recyclable packaging
- Unlimited life when stored in a dry place